Saturday, July 31, 2010

POTTY TRAINING: I need advice on how to get my daughter to poop in the potty and not in her pants?

My daughter just turned 3 years old. She is very good at going pee in the potty, having very few accidents. But she consistently poops in her pants. I don't know what to do. I am very frustrated and tired on cleaning soiled undies (up to 4 times a day). Any advice??POTTY TRAINING: I need advice on how to get my daughter to poop in the potty and not in her pants?
She may not be ready to poop in the potty yet.

When my daughter was the same age she was afraid to poop in the potty because she thought the poop would splash her butt! LOL!

I told her that she had to tell me when she was going to poop and then I would put a diaper on her and she would go in that. Eventually she learned when she needed to go and I was able to talk her into going into the potty. it took about 2-1/2 months to get her to that point but it was worth it. I hated washing all of those dirty underpants!POTTY TRAINING: I need advice on how to get my daughter to poop in the potty and not in her pants?
I am a nanny what we decided to do was get the new feel and learn, they are absolutly horrible once your child is potty trained they hate the fact that the new feel and learns strat riseing in the crotch! She is now doing 100% better GOOD LUCK also try the potty book for girls avaliable almost anywhere, wal-mart barnes and noble books a million etc
Your facing one of the most difficult steps in potty training. Many kids are trained to use the toilet to urinate but withold pooping. Its normal. See if you can find out why this is. Sometimes children fear that thewy are ';losing '; a part of themselves in the toilet or they are afraid of the toilet itself. My nephew was 3 also before he used the tiolet consistently for both forms of elimination. Stay at it. Try rewards and be patient.
Schedule a time for her to go,even if does not want to.
Try give her a book to look at, she may need to constantart on something else when she goes.
my daughter had the same problem!!

What we did, is the POOPOO CHEER! She's been trained for almost a yr and she still does the cheer, lol.

First, when I noticed she had to go, I ran her to the potty, basically forced her to go there.

Then when she finally did, we clapped danced yelled.

The cheer was...

P O O P, who goes poop in the Potty? Katie..Yeah Katie! I know it sounds crazy but it works. My 14 month old son is even wanting to go now, lol. She started sitting on the potty just so she could call people and do the cheer on the phone. (which also seemed to help) she would talk to grandparents while she went give them a play by play lol.
show her how to
maybe this will help :
Buy whatever underpants have a picture of the current hot cartoon character. At one time it was Sponge Bob. ';You don't want to get the Sponge Bob underpants dirty, do you?';
When potty training my twins stickers and rewards seemed to work, perhaps it might be helpful to you as well.

Make up a chart with numbers 1 to 10

Each time she goes #2 on the potty she gets a sticker. When she gets to ten she gets to pick out a small toy at the store.

Next make a chart number 1 to 20.

Again same with the stickers and a small toy.

Then make a chart from 1 to 50 and when she gets to 50 she can get a really great toy she鈥檚 been wanting for a long time.
You can try a few things. First, try letting her go commando, no underwear, for a couple days. Obviously it will have to be when you have a few days to really concentrate on this. As soon as she looks like she's getting ready to go, get her to the bathroom. I've done this with my kids and it's worked. I haven't tried this, but have heard from it. Put a potty seat in the living room or whatever room she spends her most time, help her use it there, and then gradually move it to the bathroom.

I've also heard, because 3 is such an old age to not be potty trained, if they have an accident, make them clean it up, and because they don't like it, they will start using the bathroom. Whatever you do, during the day, you need to get the kid out of diapers or pull ups and into underwear. Kids have no incentive to use the toilet, because diapers do not make it uncomfortable for them to mess in them. If they have crappy drawers, there is incentive to use the bathroom. Hope this helps.
when she will be older that will stop if she is a normal child
I just started potty training my daughter.She 2,and I leave her without a pamper(she wears old clothes) and I'm constantly taking her to the bathroom. That seems to work if you don't mind the accidents.
I made a bag of wrapped ';gifts'; from the dollar store. A poop in the potty earned a pick from the gift bag. It worked for my son, it didn't work for the kid next door when I suggested it to his mom. The gifts could be candy, kid nail polish, any little things.

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