Saturday, July 31, 2010

Does anyone have any advice on how to get my 13 month old to sleep thru the night and to sleep in his own bed.?

Been there done that. I had the hardest time getting my son into his own bed. You are gonna just have to let him cry himself to sleep at night. At the beginning it might be a few hours of crying, but after he gets used to it, it won't take as long. Just ignore him in the middle of the night too if he starts crying. He will get the idea eventuallyDoes anyone have any advice on how to get my 13 month old to sleep thru the night and to sleep in his own bed.?
I hate to say it, but to get them to sleep throguh thenight usually the best thing is CIO method. I have been lucky that my daughter has been sleeping through the night in her own crib since 6 months. She stayed in a bassinette up to 6 months. She was small so the weight limit was fine and she wasn't trying to sit up or pull up yet. Once she gotto big she went to her crib and was fine with it. She has never been in my bed one single night. However last night she had an episode. I don't know what her deal was. She is not sick and no fever or anythign but she screamed bloody murder when I laid her down. I let her cry for about 10 minutes and went back in b/c she got hysterical, I rocked her to sleep and then laid her back downonly for her to wake up and scream some more. I have always hated the idea of CIO, but every time I would go in it got worse and she was so tired so I just let her cry. it about drove me crazy, but after about 10 minutes she went to sleep and slept through the night. You may have to try that with sleeping through the night. As for breaking the co-sleeping habit I have no idea. I've never done it to begin with.

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