Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice to get self-mutilation out of my head for good?

So basically I started hurting myself when I was around 10 years old. When my father would beat my sister and I, I would bang my head on whatever was sturdy, I would also pull out my hair and I would bite my tongue. You see in my household growing up crying was not allowed. If I was to cry my father would jerk my into the bathroom and beat me with his belt. Well as I have grown old about 1 year ago I started to cut myself as a different way to deal instead of the usual bruises on my head. I loved it, it helped immensly, well here the past few months I have started feeling more empty than ever before. I have been going to church and I actually got saved!! I went a month without hurting myself...I really thought i had stopped. Then I did it again when my uncle was caught doing meth at my house. Well now since my faith has grown in the Lord I believe I have gone nearly 5 months without hurting myself. Actually it hasnt crossed my mind until here recently. I don't want to cut at all...I don't want to fall back into the person I was...but yet I still am becuase I have all the temptation to do it again. I just want to stop completly...I have been to my doctor, told my parents about being depressed not about the cutting, told a close friend about the depression and cutting...I was even seeing a councelor a while back about it....I just don't want to do it anymore... I hate this feeling of hopelessness... the feeling of being inadequate in everything i do... Any advice to get self-mutilation out of my head for good?
Pray diligently. Keep the contact with supportive Christian friends. Stay in the Word. Keep up with the counseling sessions, however with a qualified openly Christian (real Christian) counselor. Be in church every Sunday. Do regular weekly (or more often) Bible studies with other believing peers. Ask for prayer. Do church social activities. Stay away from others who practice self mutilation who are not seeking the LORD to come out of the behavior. As a matter of fact, I am going to pray for you right now. Any advice to get self-mutilation out of my head for good?
You are a very strong person. You grew up in a war zone and survived. Oftentimes people have some trouble leaving their survival tactics behind. Fellowship and prayer are important, but if you feel in your heart you need more help, please do seek a good therapist. There are lots of 'em out there.

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Pray about it! Prayer really works! If you are that head strong, then believe me you are very capable of quitting that! You sound like a very intelligent person and I am sorry that you had to live like that, but remember.. things could always be worse. But you should really tell your Mom and seek counseling to help you even more! Good luck, and I am proud of you for quitting for 5 months.. People get bad habits like biting their nails and it's hard to quit, but you have to want it bad enough to quit and I believe you can do it honey!

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