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janeGood advice to get my ex back?
You need to move on with your life and stop comparing people to him - lets be fair (he bailed on you for no apparent reason) even though you try to justify his actions be saying your were grumpy, - what happens if you get back together and you get depressed or have a difficult time - will he be there for you or will he bail - whooooosh -%26gt;%26gt;slam - yep that was him and the door. Move on, if he wants to contact you he will but dont let someone who is so closed and unreliable back into your life, you need to remember how you felt after he bailed on you!! if he was as great as you think he would never have bailed in the first place, he would haev toook the time to find out why you where a little grumpy
call him and tell him exactly what you told us here..that u love him, u r sorry for your actions and you want to give the relationship another chance. if he says no, that means he has his mind made up already so you have to move on...that doesnt necessarily mean you got to jump on the next guy coming, but work on yourself and allow time to heal. if he says yes, be a good girlfriend and try you best this time around. good luck
Did you ever meet his parents?
What were you doing that you think you can change??
Do they like you. could they be persuaded to try on your behalf, at least to get more info, so you will see that you ARE well rid of the qutter!!!
May 2008 be a better year!
Why? Why would anyone who gets out of a relationship want back into it? Run...RUN LIKE HELL FAR, FAR AWAY!
Give him time and hope for the best. Thats all you can do. Maybe stay in touch with him, but don't badger him with anything. Also, keep going out with other guys.
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