Sunday, August 22, 2010

Need good advice to get a job in Marketing/advertising, new graduate (Cleveland Market).?

I recently acquired my MBA in Business administration to add to my BS in Marketing and BA in Fine Arts. I intentionally tried to gear my education for a job in advertising. I have been looking for a while now to break into the market, but I have not even gotten an interview. I am not sure if it is because of a weak cover letter, resume, lack of experience, economy, or Cleveland market; or maybe a mixture of all of them. I do not have real work experience, i only have a marketing internship I completed in 2005 and promotional (brand ambassador) work. I need some advice on how I should get my foot in the door. I feel as if I have the right institutional education to pursue an advertising/marketing career as well as the right personality. I am open for any and all suggestions, and really need some help!Need good advice to get a job in Marketing/advertising, new graduate (Cleveland Market).?
This is a horrible economic market to be pursuing a starting job in MARKETING and SALES bec economy has slowed down so much that no one is buying and even the BEST SALES PEOPLE are having a rough time unless the great product is in short like say NINTENDO WII.

Of course, if you have a GIFT OF GAB and GREAT PERSONALITY then you might have a chance if you like RISKS meaning taking a job based on commission rather than guaranteed salary...

Whoever your mentor or career advisor was in the past why you paid $$ to get an MBA with concentration in Marketing sold you an empty bag of goods bec even the Local Governments are having a tough time meeting budget %26amp; payroll %26amp; schools due to slow down in homes sales and incoming tax revenue.

Sorry I can't help much but I will tell you that YOUR DETERMINATION %26amp; PERSEVERANCE goes along way and Don't Give Up Trying but at the same time DEVELOP PLAN B CONTINGENCY PLAN and attempt your best to REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES alot.

For now perhaps pursue TEMPORARY JOB AGENCIES as some work is better than nothing and Best of Luck!Need good advice to get a job in Marketing/advertising, new graduate (Cleveland Market).?
I have to agree this is not the time to be seeking a job in advertising and marketing and the best thing for you to do is seek temporary or contract positions.

But you education in advertising and marketing was not a waste, actually it gets you an advantage in one specifc industry. That industry is small and home based businesses. And this is the industry that is growing everyday because we have loss and are still losing jobs with decent salaries in this country. People have to have money to survive and therefore they are finding ways to generate their own income.

I stated that you have an advantage because to have a successful small or home based business you have to advertise and market your business. Especially so, because the business is in your home. If people don't know you have a business that you are operating in your home, you will never have any customers.

Starting a small or home based business will take some hard work and some long hours but when you have a profitable business that belongs to YOU and you get all the profits from that business you realize that you don't need a job. You have a job, your business, a job that you created for yourself to provide income for yourself. Just some things for you to think about.

Do you want to have to work for someone else and live your life around your job while that company makes hugh profits every year that they don't share with you. But they would not have those profits if you were not working for them.

Or would you like to work for yourself and grow your own businesses (and yes it will take some time, it will not happen overnight and will never happen at all if you do no work) and receive all the profits. Also, because you are the boss of your job - business you decide when it is best for you to work or not to work with no lost in your income.

One last thing.........if you decide that you want to work and still get a chance to enjoy life, don't stop at one small or home based business. You may have to start two to generate the income so you can have a comfortable life. And if you have any DEBT now, pay it off ASAP and don't generate any new DEBT. (Purchasing a house is not DEBT, it is an investment).

I can help you get started the right way and with the right business. I have two home based business, one I created and the other business I have partnered with a sucessfull private corporation.

I am no expert, I am not rich, I actually still work for someone else but I am growing my businesses, making money, getting out of debt and will not stop until I reach my goal to work only for myself from my home.


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