Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm looking for advice on the best car seat for a baby over 25lbs that is easy to get in and out of cars?

I typically drop off my child at the babysitter/daycare and then my husband picks him up. I am hoping to find a car that is easy to get in and out of cars so I only have to buy one car seat for a child over 20-25 pounds that will last awhile. I appreciate any recommendations! Thanks!I'm looking for advice on the best car seat for a baby over 25lbs that is easy to get in and out of cars?
I am not sure there is any that are easily taken in and out of cars...infant seats are, because the base stays put and the actual seat gets taken on and off the base as needed. For 2 cars, you can just buy 2 bases but stick with one seat. However obviously a 25 lb child can no longer use an infant seat...so I am not sure what other options you have other than to break down and get a seat for each car.

I know it is an annoying, extra expense, but it is totally worth it. I also drop my child off, and husband picks her up. We each have a convertible car seat in our car. We have the Evenflo Triumph - it has excellent safety ratings, but is very affordable compared to some of the other highest rated brands (like Britax, for example). Truly, I would recommend just sucking it up and getting one for each car. It is worth it!

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